Urogynecology & 骨盆健康

Our specialists in urogynecology and pelvic floor dysfunction are all board-certified experts who use advanced techniques, 包括重建手术, 治疗盆底疾病.



At the 妇女盆腔健康中心, 我们提供全面的, individualized care focusing on female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery. Patients benefit from our vast expertise, advanced technology and empathetic approach. Our experienced and compassionate staff support patients throughout their care.


医生的专业知识: We are a multispecialty center with urologists and urogynecologists. All our doctors are board certified in urology or obstetrics and gynecology with additional board certification in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery. They have years of training specifically devoted to treating pelvic floor dysfunction in women, 包括膀胱渗漏, 阴道脱垂等等.

全方位治疗: We offer both nonsurgical and surgical treatments for pelvic floor disorders, 包括骨盆重建手术. Our providers have helped develop groundbreaking surgical techniques and medical treatments, including advanced robotic surgery and minimally invasive techniques to treat incontinence.

富有同情心的护理: Many patients are embarrassed to seek treatment for pelvic floor disorders. Our providers understand this and treat each woman with empathy and compassion.

个性化治疗方案: 盆底疾病在很多方面影响女性. We create individualized treatment plans to address each woman’s needs and preferences.

Our services

Our pelvic medicine team provides advanced, coordinated care for women with pelvic health concerns. 我们的护理领域包括: 


Specialists in the 妇女盆腔健康中心 provide extensive treatment for disorders affecting the pelvic floor. We offer the full spectrum of care, from noninvasive treatments to pelvic reconstructive surgery. Our team creates personalized care plans to fit each woman’s needs.


我们的泌尿妇科医生团队, pelvic floor physical therapists and pelvic floor radiologists works together to care for women after childbirth. 我们处理所有类型的问题, 包括三度和四度阴道撕裂, 膀胱控制问题, 性交疼痛和伤口并发症.

Our team is committed to helping you optimize your pelvic floor health during and after pregnancy and birth. We:

  • Educate and inform you about issues affecting your pelvic floor and how to prevent pelvic floor injury
  • 评估和管理妊娠的短期影响, 分娩和分娩, 以及对骨盆底潜在的长期影响
  • 提供骨盆底强化和康复


One in three women experience a pelvic floor disorder at some point in their lives. Pelvic floor dysfunction can occur when women have weakened pelvic floor muscles or tears in their connective tissues. 我们治疗的疾病包括:

盆腔器官脱垂: Occurs when the pelvic organs drop below their usual position due to weakening muscles and tissues in the pelvic floor. One of the most common symptoms is bulging, pressure or a heavy sensation in the vagina.

尿失禁:尿失禁或大便失禁: Inability to control the bladder or bowels, leading to urine or stool leakage. 这两种情况在老年妇女中更为常见.  

膀胱过动症: Causes frequent and sudden urges to urinate that are difficult to control. 这在老年女性中更为常见.

神经性膀胱功能障碍: Occurs when brain, spinal cord or nerve problems affect bladder control. Symptoms may include problems storing urine or emptying the bladder, 尿失禁和盆腔疼痛.

尿道憩室: A pouch or pocket that forms along the urethra, the tube that carries urine out of the body. 症状包括排尿时有灼烧感, 性交疼痛,小便后滴下尿.

阴道瘘: An irregular connection between the vagina and another organ, such as the bladder or rectum. 它会导致尿失禁或大便失禁. 

尿路感染(UTI): Infection in any part of the urinary system, including the bladder, urethra, ureters and kidneys. Common symptoms include a burning sensation while urinating and blood in the urine.

间质性膀胱炎/膀胱疼痛综合征: 一种慢性疾病,引起频繁的膀胱压迫或疼痛.

尿道狭窄: 尿道狭窄由疤痕组织引起的尿道狭窄. 它会导致排空膀胱的问题.


我们的盆腔健康团队提供以患者为中心的教育, 盆底疾病的综合检测和治疗. 测试和治疗方案包括:



  • 尿流率测定: 评估身体释放尿液的速度 
  • Post-void剩余: 测量排尿后膀胱中剩余的尿量
  • 多通道尿动态: 测量膀胱和腹部的压力
  • Videourodynamics: Assesses the bladder and urethra as the bladder fills and empties
  • Cystoscopy: 检查尿道和膀胱内膜
  • 盆底超声: 观察骨盆肌肉和其他骨盆结构


We provide a full range of nonsurgical and surgical treatments for pelvic floor disorders. 治疗方法包括:

盆底物理治疗: This specialized therapy trains patients to strengthen or intentionally relax the pelvic floor muscles.

Injections: Treatment may include botulinum toxin (Botox®) injections for overactive bladder or urethral bulking agents to treat urinary leakage associated with coughing and physical activity.

经皮胫神经刺激: This nonsurgical treatment involves placing a needle near a nerve in the leg (tibial nerve) and stimulating it with an electric impulse. The electric impulse travels to the bladder nerves to help improve bladder control.

骶神经调节: Providers place a device below your skin on a nerve in your lower spine (sacral nerve). This device stimulates the nerve with an electric impulse to improve bladder control.    

盆腔器官脱垂的微创手术治疗 Surgeons operate with tiny tools through a few small abdominal incisions to restore the pelvic organs to their proper position.

复杂骨盆重建: These corrective surgeries repair irregularities in the pelvic organs. Patients may have pelvic reconstruction to treat pelvic organ prolapse, 尿失禁, 盆腔疼痛或间质性膀胱炎和泌尿生殖系统瘘.


寻找附近的泌尿妇科医生? Our experienced care providers offer personalized, compassionate care for pelvic floor disorders. 我们创造了全面的, advanced treatment plans to improve your quality of life and pelvic organ function. 


Our pelvic medicine team offers comprehensive, compassionate care. Call 833-825-2974 了解更多有关我们的服务.